It’s Never Too Late to Start Praying—Here’s Why You Should Start NOW
It’s never too late to start praying. You might feel like you’ve missed your window, like others have it all figured out, but that’s just a lie. Prayer is a conversation with God, and He’s always waiting to hear from you, no matter when you start. Think of prayer like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. At first, it might feel awkward, like learning to ride a bike, but over time, you’ll gain confidence and see the results. Prayer isn’t a magic formula; it’s about building a relationship with God. Don’t let the enemy tell you that you’ve missed your chance. Every day is a fresh opportunity to draw near to God. The moment you choose to pray, you open the door to His presence, His peace, and His power. You can’t mess it up. You don’t need perfect words, a special place, or a long list. Just start with what’s in your heart. Ask God for help, guidance, or simply thank Him for His goodness. It’s about the heart connection, not the perfection of the prayer. There’s no be...