Don’t Let Busyness Steal Your Time With God—Make Prayer a Priority
We all get busy. Life comes at us fast with a million things demanding our attention. The problem is when we let busyness steal our most important time—time with God. We’re not meant to run on empty. Prayer is the fuel that keeps us going. When we skip prayer, we start running on fumes. It’s like driving a car without refueling. Eventually, the engine will stop. And that’s how we end up exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected from God. It doesn’t take long to make prayer a priority. Even five minutes of quiet time can change the whole tone of your day. Prayer isn’t just a task—it’s the lifeline that keeps us grounded in His peace and His purpose. The world will always try to pull us in a thousand different directions. But we have to choose what matters most. It’s time to stop letting busyness crowd out God’s voice in our lives. If you want peace, if you want clarity, if you want to stay rooted in God’s plan, make time to pray. Don’t wait for the “perfect moment” to start. Just do...